The model claims that other women also train in short shorts
Corinthians muse Paula Lima complained of suffering prejudice because of her clothes. She, who lives in London, reported that she is being the target of rumors and disapproving looks from other women at the Equinox Kensington gym, which is located in the capital of the United Kingdom. One person even sent a message on Instagram, through a fake account.
“Everyone knows you’re a whore. You should be ashamed. And the way you dress is so inappropriate. You make others uncomfortable,” the Direct’s translation read.
She replied: “No, and the clothes are because I have a good body because other girls are thin and wear short clothes like me… I feel good like that. I don’t need to be ashamed, I have a beautiful body to be shown and not hidden I want you and all the other uncomfortable people who don’t have the courage to show their faces. You’re saying that. I want you to take it in the center of your ass.”
The model spoke about the episode. I get upset. I felt bad that day, but I’m not going to let them beat me. I’m not changing gyms. Other women dress the same way I do at the gym, shorts, shorts, tops. But being thin, they don’t have a Brazilian body that attracts attention, so they judge by that”, he comments.
Paula says that the message was certainly sent by someone who trains at the same gym as her. “Apart from some rumors that I heard about. Someone who trains there knows a friend of mine and commented the same thing as in the message: ‘there’s a girl there who trains at the gym, her body is very beautiful and so on, but I think she makes a show, because of the way she dresses’. Several people comment on this because of the way I dress, not to mention the buzz and looks. But I’m not going to change my clothes. I’m the one in charge of my body. I don’t do a program and clothes don’t define character”, he concludes.